
Book review: Classic Queen by Mick Rock

Classic Queen
The cover
I bought this amazing book in London last week. The book is written by Queen's official photographer (from 1970-'75) Mick Rock (also known for the famous Bowie shots).

There's a lot of information about the early years in the book, but even more about the photoshoots. There are just too many pictures in the book I haven't seen before, it took me two days to look at all those fantastic pictures!

Inside the book

I really like Freddie's quotes in the book. (e.g."The most important thing is to live a fabulous life. As long as it's fabulous I don't care how long it is.")

There are also a lot of pictures of early performances and (rare) pictures of long nights in the studio in the book.
The last pages contain a chronology of the early years.

The book costs 20 pounds, and is issued by Omnibus Press/Vision On. I bought the book at "It's only Rock 'n Roll London" in Baker street, across the road from "The Official Beatlesstore".
The book was published in the UK in 2007.
ISBN 13: 978-1-84609-845-1

Site of "It's only Rock 'n Roll London": http://www.itsonlyrocknrolllondon.co.uk/
Site of "The Beatlesstore London": http://www.beatlesstorelondon.co.uk/
Mick Rock Official Site: http://www.mickrock.com/

Rating 8/10

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