
One day, you search for a rare Brian May pic....

...And then you accidentally end up on Tumblr, reading all Brian May related posts.
Watch out people, never search for anything you're fan of on Tumblr. (Don't take this serious, haha) It's for your own safety;

It might become a serious addiction!!

Now I'm addicted to Tumblr and keep looking for news of my favourite bands (but especially of Brian May (: , haha)

P.s. It's quite enjoyable; there's nothing wrong with Tumblr, really.

P.p.s. And it's quite useful if you want to see the last news of your favourite bands!

P.p.p.s. I actually recommend Tumblr :)

Link to Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/

Just some rare picture of Brian I found on Tumblr

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