
First Live review: Coldplay, Malieveld sept. 6 2012

Live review

I attended the Coldplay concert on september 6, The Hague, and I thougt it would be nice to write a live review!

So; at first you had the support acts:
Charli XCX and Marina and the Diamonds. I think they did a good job, especially Marina and the Diamonds. It was quite sad nobody actually reacted on Charlie XCX, even though she asked the audience to sing along and to dance. She was really trying to do her best, but maybe she had to be a bit more subtile; she sang like it was her gig, and not Coldplay's.
After almost three hours of waiting, it finally started;
The audience really freaked out when the music started. And there they were; Chris Martin, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Guy Berryman!

The band started with playing 'Mylo Xyloto' and 'Hurts Like Heaven', the first two tracks of their newest album (released in october 2011). I really liked the fireworks and the big screens with beautiful light effects.
But wow, what a good show. Really.

Coldplay played songs of almost every album they made; not only from Mylo Xyloto, but also from X&Y, Parachutes, Death and All His Friends, and others. I think they've chosen the songs very well; everybody kept on singing, even after the gig!

The gig ended with an amazing performance of 'Every Teardrop Is Waterfall', combined with a lot of colourful firework.

The drinks were quite expensive, but the merchandise wasn't. Shirts cost about thirty euros and posters seven euros.

This gig has been the biggest one ever given in The Netherlands, more than 65.000 people came to see this amazing show.

I think this has been a show I'll never forget!

Rating: 10/10

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