
New Psychedelia/Prog/Shoegaze/Garage?

Yes, we rediscovered it; that good old 60's/ 70's music! So why not post a few of the best new psychedelia/prog/shoegaze/garage songs?

Mind Mischief - Tame Impala (not that new, but still one of my favourite songs. Great riff)

Temples - Colours To Life (I've already posted some of their stuff, but they keep amazing me! (seen live at BKS festival))

Splashh - All I Want To Do (also seen live at BKS festival last summer))

Jagwar Ma - The Throw (not really 60's/70's-like, but still a nice and quite experimental tune, so keep an eye on these guys!)

Allah-Las - Busman's Holiday (also seen live at BKS (god how I miss that festival...!))

Peace - Follow Baby (a bit grunge-y, but really nice)

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